Saturday, 14 March 2009

“How To Attract The Exact Woman (Or Women) Of Your Dreams On Your Terms And Have Them Desiring YOU … Wanting To Spend Time With YOU … and much more!

Have Them Totally Lustful Around You”
The Fascinating Story of How I Uncovered, Redefined, Mastered A Lazy Mans System That Anyone Can Copy To Mesmerise, Fascinate and Seduce Any Woman … and That Includes YOU.

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Baby Showers Revealed
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Dear (Future) Seduction Expert,
If you’ve tried (and failed) to even approach or get a woman interested in you, I know exactly what you are thinking…

Here’s another guy who’s going to tell me how to get the woman of my dream. Your reaction might even be…”sure sure…yawn…yawn….and an even longer yawnnnn. I’ve have heard it all before. Yes, yes I know…dress well, be confident, go to the right places, make the approach, use appropriate body language, use the right tone, use the right gestures, be assertive when asking for her number or asking her out, use the right conversational postulates and on and on and on it goes ….. zzzzzzzzzz ……until I go to sleep….. alone, once again!

Click Here To Read Full Story about Real Attraction Secrets!

Well I know exactly how you feel…

Before I discovered the secret to approaching, enthralling and captivating a woman’s heart and devouring her body with laser accuracy, I too had tried just about everything online, offline to ‘crack the code’ and meet women of my choice quickly and effortlessly. But I found myself at the end of the rope waiting at the back of the queue waiting for my turn cap in hand. Even then I wouldn’t get ‘lucky’. But when I stumbled across the system I’m going to tell you about just now it was like fog had lifted from my mind. Albeit with a few surprises and perhaps the odd moral dilemma…

You see I did realise one thing …that success leaves clues . I would walk in to a bar or nightclub, talk to women and watch my fellow male counterparts stroll in, hijack the beautiful women and turn into an instant automatic lustful night to remember leaving me alone and psychologically distraught.

It’s true…this whole opportunity came about through people like me (and perhaps you) failing miserably !

Here’s what it’s all about….

Meet IceDragon, and unlike a lot of ‘people’ you might hear from, I’m the real deal. Yes, IceDragon is my well-earned, highly respected industry name. I am just an ordinary guy with extraordinary skills I acquired when it comes to seducing women out of sheer desperation. There is a reason why I am called IceDragon . You see, I have only one specialty. As a dragon uses fire from his mouth to annihilate anything that stands in its way, similarly….

The IceDragon’s Mission : “To help subjugated men melt the Ice block around vivacious women through their linguistic skills and arouse the sleeping sexy Goddess that resides within it” – It’s a man’s most basic right.

Click Here To Read Full Story about Real Attraction Secrets!

My Search For Finding The Perfect Seduction System That Ever Existed

I spent 11 years looking for the perfect system. For 3 years I read every book on the subject, but in the end decided to throw in the towel. It was just too laborious… too much hard work for little or no results…and the competition (with other guys) was too fierce. To be honest I couldn’t be bothered with all the garbage that was contained in nearly all the books. I sold or gave away all the books to the local charity shops - and decided to start afresh and carry out further research. But I didn’t know how.

Next, came the trendy, well presented CDs and DVDs which didn’t fare any better. I don’t know if you’ve ever bought any CDs or DVDs that exist on the market but take it from me I know how annoying and fruitless they can be.

I was desperately looking for a way to discover the Holy Grail for seducing women.

I had given up all hope for finding suitable women I could take home every now and then let alone having a stream of girls wanting to enjoy my intimate presence............................................
But Then I Discovered Claire

On one of the nights when I was making my pathetic attempts to seduce a gorgeous, voluptuous, to-die-for girl … I have to admit, I was caught out.

You see, unbeknown to me, Claire, the girl I was trying to charm my way into was a highly experienced, very professional and extremely talented Life Coach from the UK. She could spot from a mile that I was putting on an act to impress her. However at the same time she could see that I was at least trying in earnest.

If not intimately, at least she was bowled over by my sincere efforts. We became good friends and she agreed to help me over countless cups of coffees and dinners.
As it happened, what Claire shared with me over the next 2 years turned out to be The Real Attraction Secrets
If Only I had Realised So Many Years Ago That 99% Of Seduction Disasters Were The Key To An Effortless Seduction Back Door … But Like Most Men My Own Efforts Were The Cause Of My Failure With Women

Sometimes it takes a while for the penny to drop. And it was as if Claire had thrown the whole seduction treasure map into my lap.

Here’s what I discovered through Claire. Stay with me closely here. This is the key, the mystery to the whole thing that Claire unravelled:

She said that the Number #1 mistake men make when trying to seduce women is that…

“Men always try to penetrate a woman physically before penetrating her mind and appealing to the deepest recesses of her psyche”.

(This is profound stuff as you will discover a little later)

In the meantime let me explain what is going on elsewhere in the seduction world. There are hundreds of men competing out there trying to hail themselves as the next seduction ‘expert’. They themselves have read someone else’s articles, watched the late night TV programmes, seen the seduction hype on the Internet through junk emails … and now targeting people like you and me. You know the kind of guys I am talking about. Ones who either watch late night television or have sleepless nights themselves because they do not have anyone to sleep with.

They know that they couldn’t seduce a willing woman on the best of days yet they are prepared to share their ‘manly’ secrets with us.

Do you know what happens next? If not, let me tell you …

They come up with an idea or a concept related to seduction without having any experience or physical mastery over the subject and plough straight into paying someone to come up with a flashy website and have it up and running as quickly as possible.

And do you know what happens after that? You probably don’t. Allow me.
They Get Found Out In The Industry And By Their Unsuccessful, Disgruntled Clients

Yes, that’s right! Believe it or not, the seduction industry is a very close knit community all around the world. Word travels fast and the so called, self-confessed ‘gurus’ who are nothing more than con artists without any experience get found out very soon and are exterminated. They get what they deserve. There is no way back for them and they are doomed. No amount of technical or marketing know-how will save the situation for them. They are rightfully kicked out for ever.
Yet how can we take advantage from their published methods?
Well, we’re not!

No we are not interested in those people or their websites (other than perhaps as a lesson what NOT to do). They fail because they have nothing to back up their unfounded claims. But these are not the people we are interested in. These are NOT the people who can help us in our seduction plea.

But not all their ideas are and concepts are bad
You see there are so many would-be, aspiring seduction ‘gurus’ out there chancing their arm, that the law of averages dictates that some of them are bound to hit on one or two unorganized concepts that may be genuinely good. A tiny, TINY proportion of those will accidently stumble upon one or two good ideas, but the vast majority will still come up empty handed.

Click Here To Read Full Story about Real Attraction Secrets!

Because although they may have stumbled upon one or two good ideas by accident, but they still lack the crucial ‘X Factor’ elements that could transform your night from a deserted island into an effortless paradise of pure adulterated pleasure house , literally pumping your life into unstoppable sexual bliss – 7 nights a week, if you so desire. The choice is yours. And it is about having exactly this kind of choice. (I will arm you with this choice in a few moments).

The harsh truth is that even with one or two great techniques, these self proclaimed gurus never complete the full seduction picture. Even the most well meaning of these category of ‘teachers’ never go that extra step to find out what it really takes to turn on the seduction ‘flow’ in a woman … to uncover those simple (but hidden) road ‘links’ that navigate you effortlessly on the seduction highway - taking you from pain to ultimate pleasure.
Why don’t they do that?

Because they don’t know how to. It’s like these guys are only handing you over one or two pieces of the jigsaw and expecting you to complete the entire picture on your own. It’s confusing, unfair, wrong and down right deceitful.
No wonder you feel dejected, disillusioned, lose interest and your enthusiasm dissipates.
Sound Familiar?
Do You Know Someone This Has Happened To? Maybe You Even Know Them Personally?

I know I’ve certainly been there in the past. The bottom line is that this kind of formula leaves us disenchanted, miserable, angry, frustrated and even at times feeling sorry for ourselves. We spend time, money and effort on sincerely putting these apparent methods into practice … and for the reasons we can’t quite understand, they don’t generate the results we’d hoped for.

We find ourselves in the endless vertigo of downward spiral and even sometimes feel that we are the cause of our misfortune with women. Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever blamed yourself?
“This should simply never be the case”
“You are NOT to be blamed. Stay with me.
Together We’ll Construct The Complete Seduction Picture For You Piece-By-Piece

That’s the crux of what I am talking about here … finding and identifying those missing links that you need … giving them a magic makeover (don’t worry, I’ll show you exactly how to do this) … and then utilising them ridiculously easily to … re-launch you with a new identity of a Mesmerising Maestro and unleash you onto the seduction Goddesses of this planet … but with a twist!

You will be so subtle, so gentle and so graceful in your approach that these women will think that ‘it was their choice’ to end up in your arms – and finally into your bed. Well, you’ll let them think that. But once this becomes a norm in your life, you’ll know without doubt that your new found life is the result of effortless design on your part and not by haphazard, hit and miss accident.
That’s the result we are about to design for you in a few moments.

It’s a process which requires no special skills or technical knowledge at all (I am going to show you everything you need to know). No complicated routines to follow, not asking you to join dating agencies, not asking you to put yourself in embarrassing situations that is synonymous with so many of these ‘seduction manuals’.

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What’s more, it’s a process you can repeat again and again building up a portfolio of beautiful women who are genuinely interested in you … all on the back of a few simple principles which you will master easily in no time at all.
This is Your Moment of opportunity and You will NOT be denied from hereon …

Once you get ‘tuned-in to this, you will start to see and attract towards you massive (sorry, slender) opportunities everywhere you turn – far more opportunities than you’ll ever need in a lifetime. Once you’ve ‘cherry-picked’ the very best, and worked on a short magical-spells (which I will show you) there’s really no more work to do, other than to enjoy the fruits of your effortless labor !

Now I hope I’ve spelled out exactly what and why you’ll have complete turnaround in success with beautiful women of your choice. But I’m conscious of the fact that you may have read information, unlike this, making empty claims. Or this could be your first time coming across this.

Whether you are reading this for the first time or you have read something like this before, I want to make one thing absolutely clear: I don’t want you to think that this is at all complicated, because it isn’t. So let me put it another way.

The powerful, precise and result-producing information you are about to have in your hands is like learning martial arts … but with a difference.

Not only will you be learning from a highly skilled and respected teacher in the industry with years of experience … but the real difference is that my mastery lies in transference of skill!

That’s the key difference. Aren’t you sick of the guys who say that they’ll teach you something, then they do a demonstration on stage, and then they teach you information in painfully slow dribs and drabs.

I hate that approach too and I never want to learn or teach anything with that approach.

No, that’s not my style. Instead if I were teaching you martial arts, which I do, I would take you through a simple process.

First, I would show you such a remarkably easy yet highly effective technique that you’ll be confident in doing so you know exactly what result it would produce for you and then, the most important step … teach you in a way that you can produce the exact same result instantly. That’s my specialty, that’s what separates me from others.

Once you possess that knowledge in your hands and acquire the skill quickly and easily, you’ll be in a position to make a swift and predictable move on any desirable woman of your choice.

You’ll be taking the fast-track route to seduction paradise and charming the very women you once thought were unattainable.
But why stop there?

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Let’s take this a step further. Because you will be skilled in these seduction principles, not only you will be able to quickly and easily seduce any woman but you will be in an envious position where these women will be striping themselves silly just to get your attention.
Because I’m Going To Show You How To Become An Effortless Seduction Magnet AT Will With Predictable Results … Every Single Time

And you won’t be going to the trouble of doing laborious, unproductive drills that produce little or no results (not if you take my advice anyway). Why would you try anything non-productive when you can set my proven system to work, automatically increasing your pulling-power with women and instantly become the object of their desire! WOW… what a turnaround, you’ll be thinking. Not only that but …
You Can Do The Same Thing Again and Again. As Often As You Like

As soon as you have my system you’ll know that this is the most exciting and sexually lucrative opportunity available to you. And here’s why …

• There are thousands of women who are begging to be led but are sick of under-performing guys when it comes to winning their hearts and minds … and ultimately their voluptuous body.

• Would-be seducers are a fickle bunch. They try and try hopelessly but then they lose enthusiasm after trying in vain.

So it’s a perfect opportunity for you to make your move armed with your newly found effortless yet flawless skills. Because the secret is that you won’t be trying like you have been doing in the past, you’ll be producing exactly the kind of results you’ve been hoping to produce thus far.

Now, wouldn’t that be so much easier than the usual haphazard way a guy normally approaches a woman? Instead of trying to come up with your own unproven, half-hearted, futile concepts and ideas and then mustering the courage to deliver it in an eloquent, non-pushy, easy to detect manner, you simply assess who you would like to spend time with (intimate or just a pleasant evening, you decide)and using the criteria I’m going to give you, you gain full control of the situation and waltz your way to pick up success … all night long!
Anyone Can Do This…

There’s nothing difficult, complicated or demanding about any of this. You don’t need good looks (hey, I’m about as normal as the average guy) and you certainly don’t need masses and masses of linguistic quotes to remember.

Everything can be done as easily as tying your shoelaces. And yet the subtle change in your personality will be so amazing, that you will have the females around you riveted to your charm. There will be something about you that will be radiant and only that ‘female intuition’ will be able to feel that difference. You will be in a truly envious position, it will just be a part of who you are, it will be so effortless and automatic that … you-couldn’t-stop-women-hounding-you for-attention-if-you-tried.

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If you have been looking for a sexually-lucrative, incredibly-intimate, deep-seated and quality time with women … but does not require you to make a lot of effort, does not take endless hours of mentally-intensive, laborious preparation, but where the beautiful women of the world are there for the asking, then this is something that you should take a serious look at.

This definitely is for those sincerely genuine and incredibly serious people (and it’s worth repeating) who are looking for a sexually-lucrative, incredibly-intimate, deep-seated and quality time with women …
and I’m going to tell you how to do exactly that without obligation and without any risk.

I’ve put everything I’ve learned about this fiercely sexually-profitable, inherently-intimate adventure for you in a totally comprehensive blueprint program, which reveals every last detail about how to stop wasting time and arouse your true sexual prowess with women.

Introducing …
The Real Attraction Secrets:

Real Attraction Secrets
The Fastest Most Effortless Way of Charming, Arousing and Seducing
A Woman Into Your Arms …or Your Bedroom

That’s right, my friend, in the The Real Attraction Secrets, I reveal, document and hand over to you the best and real attraction, charming and rousing secrets that women can’t-help-but-melt-under. It really is like you casting a simple spell and women follow you with graceful ease.

Stop wasting time on under achieving circumstances and start living a new sexually-charged, intimate life with women.

Here are just some of the things you’ll discover, learn and most importantly … daily live … with real life experience …

* The one thing you must know when engaging a woman in a conversation successfully which no one else will tell you. Get this right and you’ll have to try and fail.

* The Top 10 run of the mill locations where the unskillful, desperate men fall flat on their faces and where you can walk-in gracefully and pick up someone else’s lost opportunity. (I know it’s unfair but you won’t be complaining)

* The different personality types women possess… and more importantly who you should avoid unless you like dealing with leeches and emotional-monkeys breathing down your neck.

* How to spot great ‘joints’ … the lust filled quality streets of Seduction Avenue waiting for you to drive your rousing vehicle into!

* A checklist you can use to almost instantly evaluate the ‘ pick-me-now’ potential you’re offered (that so many untrained guys miss) … don’t worry, you won’t be doing that ever again.

* How to discover the real motive a woman is quietly yelling, practically screaming to a guy (her motives) for spending time with a man… not yours … and how guys miss those obvious signals by a mile.

* The virtually unknown simple secrets for engaging, stimulating and arousing any woman’s mind and ultimately her body. (They will literally hand over their personal-seduction recipe … only if you know how to ask and then are able to detect it). It is scarily simple!

* How to spot and avoid a total ‘lemon’. Not every woman is a sexual earthly goddess … no matter how stunning.

* How to become a seduction stealth radar. It’s the hidden top-secret, newly discovered information you’ll have that will set you apart from other miserable guys. Your Trump card.

* How to engage, captivate and arouse a woman’s imagination in the fastest time possible. You’ll literally be timing yourself against a stopwatch … no kidding… that’s how good you're gonna get. And you’ll be amazed at your ever decreasing time of seducing women … every single time. You’ll be the wild Gold Medalist at the Seduction Olympics … setting new records consistently!

* How to acquire a young, drop-dead gorgeous girl friend and have her running around you, thinking that you are doing her a favor by being a part of her life. Always eager to please you. How’s that for a transformation.

* The ‘X Factor’ that you can create to develop the kind of charisma women secretly look for in a man.

* 30 ‘sneaky’ ways to to drive a woman wild. Including dozens of little known, even less practiced (obscure) ways the insiders use to supercharge their pulling-power with women.

* The specific insider secrets to initiating, enhancing and optimizing your personal, charisma, charm, outlook and beliefs that gain you respect and admiration from women in any environment.

Look, I can’t possibly mention all the benefits and successful results you’ll be producing with women. What I can tell you is that I even give you specific, simple-to-do-tasks that you will have hordes of women charging your way with endorphins streaming out of the seat of their pants … (underpants that is).
But You’ll Have A Lot More With The Real Attraction Secrets Under Your Belt Than That…

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Real Attraction Secrets When I decided to put this package together, I was determined that it would be both child-like simple to follow yet totally comprehensive – totally complete.

I’ve spent too much time fumbling around in the dark myself to want anyone else to have to do that. I was frankly sick and tired. So you won’t find just one book within my system; there are actually two books combined together. I did not want to leave any stone unturned in your seduction pursuit. Between them, they take you from the point of identifying a red-hot approachable girl, right through to collecting growing rivers of numbers automatically into your mobile phone … and most importantly how to make the best use of them.

But I know you just don’t want to know about it, you want to see it in action – for You!

That’s why I have designed my system I that way; hard-hitting, not-a-second-wasted, not-a-secret-held-back where you can apply the effortless processes in a magical way and see ‘live results’ happening to you. The Real Attraction Secret is really the answer to your seduction prayers.

That way you are left in no doubt exactly what to do and how to do it. I’ll walk you through the whole process from start to finish.
And there’s more…

You see, I want you to be in absolutely no doubt about any of this. I want you to be totally confident that not only it can but it will work for you. The best way I can think of doing this is show you in the book for real … I’ll let you look right over my shoulder as you follow the path as start to attain, maintain and build your own success and certainty with women.

As you’ll go through the pages you’ll see exactly how I do what I do and you’ll know why you can replicate those results easily.
You get to see:

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• Where and how I unleash my ‘charm’ to win women every single time… and how you can do the same.

• How little ‘effort’ I use (okay, I don’t mind telling you upfront here… it all appears natural to women because it is. And you too will feel absolutely effortless and at ease as you knock those sexy chicks one after another)

• How you can naturally copy the techniques and strategies I use

• How you can shoot your personality head and shoulders above every other guy… and feel absolutely graceful!

You get to know everything … what I started out with, what I end up with these days (and have been doing for a number of years now), what goes on in between … and the results!

As you’ll see, I’ve covered every last base with my system. It really is a dot-to-dot method … The IceDragon Method… child-like simple yet totally result-focused, that’s how I would describe it in a nutshell.
In fact, this is a good place to share some of our clients’ experiences…

“Before I met IceDragon, I was just out a 4-year relationship and felt insecure and sometimes unattractive. After meeting him and getting advice from him, I got more dates than I could handle.”
Gordon M, 24, Clydebank
“IceDragon knows it all . . . his knowledge is amazing. IceDragon has vast experience of trying this stuff out in the field, which is very rare. As we all know there are a lot of people talking about gaming but at the end of the day not doing much, Ice seems to be out there all the time really
living the dream.”
James G, 39, Barcelona

“I went out one day with IceDragon down town . . . we ended up number closing two hot girls over on vacation in a Costa coffee shop! Name a set and he’ll approach it. He’s also a total expert in attraction theory.”
Alan R, 24, Glasgow

When you receive my package, you’ll also get my personal email address . You can contact me as often as you like, if there is anything you’d like to clarify or just want an opinion on something.
I’m here with you… to help you personally.

Look, I’ve just realized that this has turned into quite a long letter, (that’s because I am thorough and I always like to give people much more value than they expect)… so in a moment I’m going to recommend you a risk free offer to look at this, get this in your hands to fully investigate, explore and test drive this for your personal success… all risk free!

But before I do, I want to make sure that you do want all these benefits:
So, here’s what the system will enable you to do instantly …within days

1. Overtake under-performing guys… (You’ll be doing the opposite of what they have been conditioned to do) … and claim as many two-legged, sultry, seductive girls as your heat desires.
2. Resign from the league of ‘desperate and distressed’ and join the ranks of ‘desirable gentlemen’.
3. Carry out just a few, fast, effective but natural refurbishment within your personality. These are the absolute essentials, the musts that most women look for in a man.
4. Re-launch and unleash yourself and start collecting the automatic ‘beauty awards’ with a new-found certainty.

Remember, I’m going to show you and teach you how to do all this all at my expense. You won’t need to come up with a single original idea yourself.

Click Here To Read Full Story about Real Attraction Secrets!

There are literally thousands of women that will come into your contact in any given year … who have been tipped over at the wrong end of the scales by other guys. All you have to do is become an emotional-catch … (I’ll teach you how to do that and it is darn easy to do). All the foolish hard work has been done in your favor by the other thoughtless guys.

It’s like someone else has run a dynamite 100 meters race and then suddenly stopped two meters short to let you pass the winning line! I know its ludicrous, but that’s what guys do.
I’m going to show you how to steal the baton from them and pass over the winning line … taking all the rewards of victory with you

My well-tested system is due for national launch in the summer 2009. I’ve set the nominal investment at $347, which will be a steal at this price. (If you know anything about inside-workings of the industry and know about my system, you’ll know exactly why this of is true). The extended version will be in the region of $547.

Real Attraction Secrets

Remember, The Real Attraction Secrets system reveals every last detail of my learned-the-hard-way-system. You’ll be getting the insider information both in the ebook and through my continuous support. In other words, as far as dating, seduction and sleeping with beautiful women is concerned I’ll equip you completely to ‘rake ‘em and take em’ … as many as you like as often as you like.

Anyone following my simple instructions will be able to do just that. As far as I know, and believe me in know the industry well, this type of in-depth, no holds-barred has never been taught before and it’s not available anywhere else.
But I don’t want you to pay $547

You see you’ve already wasted your hard earned money with other people. You’ve waster your time, money and effort with others and at best got frustration as your ‘reward’.

I am different. You like me also believe in true, tangible results. I know when I purchase something, whether it’d be a car or anything else, I am ruthless about its performance. I am the kinda guy who says, ‘Its gotta do exactly what it says on the tin’.

So, in order to reward you for your past efforts (even though they were with other people) I am still going to do something special for you. To show you my integrity…
I am NOT even going to charge you $347

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No…no…no… Instead, to show you my integrity, my faith in you, my faith in my system and a sincere, earnest desire to give you an honest opportunity to get real results for a change , I am giving you a rare chance to get this dynamic, proven system in your hands for only $67… that is a saving of at least $280!

Now, that is a bargain by any stretch of the imagination.

Especially by what you will gain in return…

* The one thing you must know when engaging a woman in a conversation successfully which no one else will tell you. Get this right and you’ll have to try and fail.

* The Top 10 run of the mill locations where the unskillful, desperate men fall flat on their faces and where you can walk-in gracefully and pick up someone else’s lost opportunity. (I know it’s unfair but you won’t be complaining)

* The different personality types women possess… and more importantly who you should avoid unless you like dealing with leeches and emotional-monkeys breathing down your neck.

* How to spot great ‘joints’ … the lust filled quality streets of Seduction Avenue waiting for you to drive your rousing vehicle into!

* A checklist you can use to almost instantly evaluate the ‘ pick-me-now’ potential you’re offered (that so many untrained guys miss) … don’t worry, you won’t be doing that ever again.

* How to discover the real motive a woman is quietly yelling, practically screaming to a guy (her motives) for spending time with a man… not yours … and how guys miss those obvious signals by a mile.

* The virtually unknown simple secrets for engaging, stimulating and arousing any woman’s mind and ultimately her body. (They will literally hand over their personal-seduction recipe … only if you know how to ask and then are able to detect it). It is scarily simple!

and much, much more…
Not only this but I’m going to go further

Not only do I want you to have all the tools, techniques, strategies and the way I bring it all together so you can with complete…

Your Complete Peace of Mind Unlimited, No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee

Here’s what I want you to do…

Examine, explore, challenge but put The Real Attraction Secrets into practice. If for whatever reason, even for a moment you think its not what you have been waiting for, then simply ask me for the money back. And as a true and humble servant, I’ll return every bit of your money right to the last dime. Oh, and how long do you have?

A Full 6 Months Unconditional Guarantee

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Question: If I am so confident about my system

Then why am I offering you ‘only’ a Full 6 Months

Unconditional Guarantee… why not a 12 Months?
Because I Know What’s Going to Happen…
You’ll Be Writing To Me In Under 3 Months Time and Telling Me About The String of Ongoing Successes You Are Having With Women …
‘This Is How Confident I Am About Your Success ’ …
Just Like My Other Students

"I want to thank you IceDragon, you have made it possible for me to realize that the really stunning women aren’t all that unattainable after all!"

Roger, 31, Texas , USA

"I just want to say your "2 WEEK CHALLENGE" has completely transformed my life. I am probably not the first person to say. God Bless You, IceDragon”

Sandford, 42, Virginia , USA

"I just downloaded your book, and have started reading all ready. I’m going to implement your method TONIGHT!”

Andy, London , UK

Would you please do me a favor in return for all the things I’ll be doing for you with your permission. I know once you receive the ebook you’ll be really busy (no, not reading the book but with women) but would you please take just a little bit of time out and write me a quick note telling me how quickly you started to have your dating success and how it is constantly increasing beyond belief, just like my other students have done…
What I am About To Say Is Very Important

Please understand that this offer is open to you and you alone. This is a pre-launch offer before the Summer 2009. This offer is going out to you because you are trusted member of the community through which you have been chosen and recommended.

My work was thoroughly vetted by the seduction community which you belong to. It was tested in the field by the experts. They were astounded by the accuracy and the speed at which my system produced real-life, in the field results.

It was after this vigilant and observant scrutiny was I given the seal of approval and very reluctantly this was passed onto you. Basically, the deal was, that if my system doesn’t prove its worth it would not be made aware of it. Fair enough I thought.

But then, a second condition was placed on me. Because you already belong to the seduction community and may have been burnt by other people in the past, I was told that I must pass on maximum possible savings to you - which I honored.

Remember, it took me years to develop this system. And, as a personal choice, I’ve removed all the risk from the equation – so you are totally liberated in your choice of women in every way.

But I Am Still Not Happy. To Really Put Myself to Test and Show My Sincerity …

I am Going To Share With You the Following Never-Been-Released Super Bonus.

Listen, my friend we’ve come this far together through this letter, but you’ll know beyond a shadow of doubt that what I am about to share with you will completely knock your socks off.

So here we go…
Super Bonus MP3 - worth $47
The Secrets of Getting Same Night Lays, consistently!

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This is going to blow your mind. Combined together with Real Attraction Secrets, this is nothing less than steriods for your game. master pick up artist AdonisA good friend of mine, Adonis the Charming Rogue, who is a Master Pick Up Artist, has agreed to share his most powerful techniques for taking women home that night with YOU when you purchase Real Attraction Secrets.

These secrets will not be found anywhere else, and are not available to the general public. They are far too dangerous and and far too powerful to take lightly! Quite frankly, I'm going to take this bonus offer down pretty soon. This is strictly a one off, for a limited time.

Yours, only if you ORDER TODAY.

Look at what the other seduction experts in the industry are saying about Real Attraction Secrets:

Caerus from Venusian Psychology said:
“I was recently asked to review a book 'Real Attraction Secrets' and I must admit, I am very skeptical about new material in the community, until I have seen it work. The book is based on the IceDragon Method.

Unlike some methods, IceDragon Method isn't based around a certain personality type. It is a method that ANY guy can use to get results. It teaches you how to become a guy who is NATURALLY attractive while retaining your own personality and values.

I KNOW that this works, because me being the natural skeptic that I am, tested it out.

I read the book this morning (9th November) and went to work. There were two new starters, both 8s. I decided to test the method out. I got both numbers, # closed one of the girls and received an invitation back to her house.

I was surprised at how easy it was for me to fit this to my own personality, which is a problem I've had with other methods.

I seriously think that you should all check it out. It has been the best no-nonsense book I have personally read since joining the community and wish it had been available to me a year ago.”

Mr M from Love Systems said:
“I have admired IceDragon and his work for a few years now. He is a short, average looking guy with a warm and friendly vibe. This is why he draws my utmost respect because dating science at its best should be about how normal guys can improve themselves to have ROCK STAR LIKE ABILITIES WITH WOMEN.

IceDragon has enunciated key principles which will engender crucial life changes . .

.IceDragon understands and pioneers these concepts. By reading this book you have chosen to ‘wake up’ and become acutely aware of a new realm of possibilities. IceDragon’s contribution to this (dating) revolution is undeniable; and his professional integrity in the pursuit of excellence in human social science, wherever it had to take him and regardless of the personal cost, is a hallmark of dating science at it’s best.”
OK Ice Dragon, I Am Ready. Let Me Out Of My Frustration and Help Me Seduce Women of My Choice Whenever I Want

Click Here To Read Full Story about Real Attraction Secrets!

But I also want total peace of mind therefore I am ordering The Real Attraction Secrets on the following conditions:

1. I get to use The Real Attraction Secrets for a full 6 months. If I get the kind of results you say I will then great. If not then I can keep the entire lot with the bonuses and ask for my money back.
2. In the meantime, after my purchase, I’ll take advantage of your hard work, years of trial and error and put the method to test for virtually effortless results with women .

These are my conditions IceDragon.

IceDragon’s response: Ok, you’ve got it. Have it your way but also let me inform you about one thing.

Since I am willing to work with you personally, I can only seriously work with a limited number of people.

So the reality is …
I am only looking to work with the next 37 people

Ok, now that I’ve made that clear, you are only one step away from having the women of your dreams. By now I hope you realize that you are about to receive in your hand your ticket to Seduction Paradise .
Take Action Now –

These 37 places will go VERY fast so it is absolutely imperative, crucial that you respond straightaway to secure one of these limited places for yourself.

After these places have gone – that’s it .

So, here’s what to do … well firstly by now you know that this is the right choice for you because you can feel comfortable with the fact that you are totally covered by my guarantee. Now with that in mind get absolutely decisive and take immediate action by clicking the button below …

Software requirements
The Real Secrets of Attraction system ebook is made available in a self-contained Windows format exe file archived in a 3MB zipped folder. No special software is required to view the book but you will need to be able to unzip the archive. Winzip® is a popular tool for unzipping archives.

‘Cos I want you to be writing to me within the next 14 to 30 days with something along the lines of ….

"Dear Ice Dragon,

Having read your fascinating e-book I went out and tried the principles and much to my surprise it felt as if I was being totally myself, in fact I was.

But the real proof was the Results – I got numbers for two girls and later when I met another one we ended up going home together. The rest is too intimate to share, sorry Ice Dragon but thanks for changing my life’.

Tim Andrews, Civil Engineer
This is the kind of results I want – for You.

Don’t spend the next year worrying about the emotional and sexual recession in your life that can have a devastating affect on your self-esteem, by being lonely, by the fear of attending parties alone, feeling lonesome even in a crowd … when you have a clear way of spending time with the most striking, arousing, sexy, vivacious girls of your desire!

This is important … girls of your desire are easily within your reach when you know how and I’ll be teaching you exactly how to do that within the next few hours and within days from now you could be sitting with a beautiful girl chatting, flirting and hmmm even getting daringly intimate!

So, once you’ve downloaded the ebook simply lock yourself away for two hours as all will be revealed to you. Together we’re going to ethically hijack the women in your town and make them a regular to your living room and even your bedroom. (Don’t worry, I’ll be only your coach, you are the one who is going to reap and squeeze all the benefits).

And remember, as well as freeing you from mental, physical and sexual frustration forever, I GUARANTEE your Success and the confidence, power and freedom it will give you will transform your life in many other wonderful ways as well.

I look forward to welcoming you on board today and making personal contact with you very soon.

Your friend & coach in seduction


Click Here To Read Full Story about Real Attraction Secrets!

P.S. Life is too short sitting on the fence, to generate average

results, to be the ‘little guy’. Your life won’t change until

you take action now and take the brave leap of accepting

something especially when you are fully protected.

P.P.S. Test this at my risk – not yours. After having tried the

system you do not want to play the game, have fun and

don’t want to be surrounded by beautiful women then

simply ask me and I’ll refund every nickel and dime.
P.P.P.S This is Important – Remember I am only going to work with next 37 people. So you need to be quick
Click to buy YOUR copy now!

P.P.P.P.S Oh by the way, one last thing, don’t expect me to wish

You luck. You don’t need luck you need – Real Attraction Secrets

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